posted by Writer on Sep 29
As the election approaches, I want to bring to your attention some things to consider before you go into the voting booth. John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court declared that Americans should select Christian’s for political office.
Many of you, if not you, then your family and friends for sure, didn’t do this. Instead, a sizeable number put a man in office we knew nothing about. Read the rest of this entry »
posted by Writer on Sep 27
I was listening to a talk show out of California where the host asked listeners if they would stay or leave due to the state’s fiscal problems. The majority said they would go because, to quote one caller, they have ‘no voice” at the federal or state level. How sad.
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posted by Writer on Sep 23
“It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork for human freedom.” Horace Greely
An ambassador and three other Americans are brutally murdered, the perimeter at one of our Afghan bases was breached (something you’ve heard very little about. Why?), attacks on troops by “Afghan security personnel,” and while the middle east explodes all we hear from the president is contrition. Read the rest of this entry »
posted by Writer on Sep 20

Some are asking if limits should be placed on free speech in light of the savagery taking place throughout the Middle East. UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, believes freedom of speech should “only be used for common justice…or common purposes,” but, “speech that provokes or humiliates the values of others cannot be protected.”
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posted by Writer on Sep 14
There’s an old saying which reads; “The heart is more deceitful than all else, and desperately sick…” (1) Read the rest of this entry »
posted by Writer on Sep 13
Before beginning, let me preface this by saying that I have no idea if what we get from media, be it conservative or left-leaning, is the truth.
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posted by Writer on Sep 12
There are no hostages or helicopters, yet the attacks in Libya and Egypt are a haunting reminder of Iran in 1979, and Mogadishu in 1993.
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posted by Writer on Sep 12
On the anniversary of the 911 attacks, two of our government buildings, the embassy in Egypt and the consulate in Libya, have been attacked by Islamic extremists. Reports are coming in that at least one “American official” was killed in Libya. Read the rest of this entry »
posted by Writer on Sep 10
Tuesday marks the day when the financial and military nerve centers of America were attacked, leaving thousands dead.
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posted by Writer on Sep 6
A ‘division of the house,’ literally speaking, occurred yesterday between delegates at the DNC after a motion was made by former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland to put the words God and Jerusalem back into the platform. A voice vote was held and it’s clear, after watching the video and listening to the audio, that a majority of delegates voted against the change. However, the higher ups in the party went against the wishes of the delegates, and ordered the change for political reasons. Read the rest of this entry »