posted by Writer on Sep 20

Some are asking if limits should be placed on free speech in light of the savagery taking place throughout the Middle East. UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, believes freedom of speech should “only be used for common justice…or common purposes,” but, “speech that provokes or humiliates the values of others cannot be protected.”


In essence, he’s saying it’s o.k. to thump on Christians and Jews, because we haven’t heard a peep from him while they continue to be slaughtered throughout the world. Heaven forbid, though, if one say’s anything that whips Muslims into a frenzy.

Meanwhile, ‘President Cool’ continues his ‘b-bop’ tour through Tinsel Town, where he and his Hollywood buffoons try to persuade us the violence is the result of a video.

Earlier in the week, his press secretary, his ambassador to the UN and the secretary of state were all heralding the same line, while one prominent senator called for the stifling of any speech deemed offensive.

The warning light should go on! Our rights are under assault, many of our representatives are deliberately looking the other way, while proponents of sharia attempt to worm their way into the United States.

Our parents and grandparents would never capitulate to this, or ‘gave a rip’ who was offended while the world was in chaos.

They did what needed to be done, using all their strength to punish the tyrannical forces of Hilter and Hirohito, so we could enjoy the life we have today.

They understood the threat to national security, the viciousness of their enemy, how their mindset and values differed from ours, but this generation doesn’t.




3 Comments to “Assaulting our Liberities”

  1. Kenneth Mazur Says:

    Watched Hannity tonight. He seems to have a handle on the situation, though careful not to come across to seem like a nut job. As I’m sure we will be portrayed when we start raising our voices to our friends and family. I pray not. But the time has come.

    We can pray, that is always good. However, don’t just do it at home hidden away from the world. Be the salt lick and pray in public, out loud, for what ails your heart. Pray for our President and other elected leaders to turn to Jesus. Pray for God’s chosen people and the nation of Israel.

    But more than that, we must raise our collective voices and be heard. We can not afford to let our Constitution or freedoms be eroded any further. They must be restored and then strengthened in light of today’s world, situation and reality. The United Nations, any Senator or Congressman, any Islamic groups, or any other party must be scrutinized, fact checked, called to account for their actions and, if found not trust-worthy or having Jesus, the United States and our Constitution as their highest priority, removed from any position of authority over our country immediately.

    News is coming fast people. And a lot of it is bad for us, our children and grandchildren. The older generation seems to understand what these things mean. But everyone else is sleeping or sedated. It’s time to wake them up. It’s time to awaken the sleeping giant once more.

  2. Writer Says:

    For sure, people need to speak out and let their representatives know how they feel on such things. You made some good points, too…

  3. Susan Fulcher Says:

    Amen to the comment of speaking out. Now is not the time to hide in our closets. Steve, you are right on. I am tired of Christianity and Judaism being ridiculed and stifled across the world, but let one unknown ‘nut’ put together something very few people have seen or aware of, and the Mid-East goes ballistic.

    Our President must agree with all that is going on in the Mid-East, because he sure hasn’t, with any authority spoken out against the violence. His attitude and presence of mind speaks directly to the message of the documentary “2016.” I urge anyone who has not seen it, to do so.

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