posted by Writer on Sep 12

There are no hostages or helicopters, yet the attacks in Libya and Egypt are a haunting reminder of Iran in 1979, and Mogadishu in 1993.


Instead of condemning the attacks, and calling them an act of war, the first response from the administration was to apologize for offending muslims. Statements that came much later from President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, were weak at best. Both capitulated to the sensitivities of muslims, over protecting the national interests of the United States and it’s citizens, something they took an oath to do.

No statement condemning the attacks has come from the Egyptian government, and whoever is in control in Libya. While many pundits believe both governments knew these attacks were going to happen and that they may have encouraged them, too.

Every time the Clinton’s hold power, and make no mistake, Hillary Clinton has a powerful role in this administration, our people get killed and then dragged through the streets of some rouge nation, only to have it broadcast back to us in the states via cable t.v.

Media outlets, including many conservative ones, shoulder much of the blame for showing the horrific scene of Ambassador Christopher Stevens’ body being carried through the streets of Benghazi.

Coverage of such incidents weakens American resolve, when we should be preparing to defend ourselves and the nation.

The president and his secretary bragged openly of the “Arab Spring”, and are responsible for creating this mess. When you go to the polls in November, remember this.

Finally, before I close, you need to ‘get on the horn’ and contact your representatives in the House and Senate, and demand they stop sending aid to those who have vowed to destroy our nation.





2 Comments to “Shades of Mogadishu”

  1. Carolyn Says:

    Amen, Steve. I agree that a call to our Representatives about U.S. aid to Libya and Egypt needs to be made. I heard Dennis Miller last night say that Democrats are quick to talk about the imaginary “war on Women” by the Republicans but they removed “war” from their vocabulary when it came to the very real war on terror. The weakness of this administration is breathtaking.

  2. SDPO Says:

    Our “commander in chief” (and I say that loosely) is too busy being the apologizer in chief….he doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Idiot.

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