posted by Writer on Nov 1

Bibi_ObamaThis week a senior member in the Obama administration used derogatory street language to call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a coward. Rush Limbaugh thinks it was Obama himself, while Mark Levin believes it was John Kerry.

Doesn’t matter who said it, and it wouldn’t surprise me if either Obama or Kerry were found out to be the culprit. The real is issue is that this mindset comes from the very top of the Administration and was released to the media with Obama’s blessing. Once again, we can confidently conclude that Obama disdains Israel.

He also despises “Bibi”, Netanyahu’s nickname, because he won’t capitulate to the PC crowd and bow to Obama’s whims. Netanyahu loves his country and will do everything in his power to protect it and has shown the world, once again, what a real leader looks like:

As Prime Minister, I stand firm with regard to Israel’s security. I care about the lives of each and every citizen and each and every soldier. I have been on battlefields many times. I risked my life for this country, and I am not prepared to make concessions that will endanger it. And it must be understood, our supreme interests, first and foremost security and the unity of Jerusalem, are not the top priority those same anonymous sources that attack us and me personally. I am being attacked only because I am protecting the State of Israel. If I did not protect the State of Israel, if I did not stand up decisively for our national and security interests, they would not attack me. And despite the attacks I face, I will continue to protect our country; I will continue to protect the citizens of Israel.” (1)Netanyahu obama israel

Netanyahu is solider whose family has displayed valor over the years. His brother, Lieutenant Colonel Yonatan (Yoni) Netanyahu (pictured at right), was killed by a sniper during the famous 1976 Israeli raid on the Entebbe Airportyoni3.

In 1972 four Palestinian Terrorists, two males and two females from the Black September Movement hijacked an El Al jetliner and ordered it to fly to Israel while demanding the release of other Islamic thugs held by the Israeli’s.

Benjamin Netanyahu was one of sixteen Israeli commandos disguised as mechanic’s after the Israeli’s and pilot convinced the terrorists the plane needed repairs. However, in a matter of minutes the commando’s performed “dynamic entry” killing the two males and taking the two females prisoner and ultimately freeing the hostages.

That ’72 raid has been praised by security forces the world over and is a text-book case when teaching their units how to conduct such entries (2).

Who would you rather have as your leader, a “street punk” or a man who knows what it’s like to fight in the street and fields? In that rescue “Bibi” took a bullet and while Benghazi was going down Obama took a nap.

The answer should be obvious, but I’m not so sure given the way many so-called “informed” people voted in the last two elections.

In light of this insult on our most trusted ally, let me turn your attention to the upcoming election this Tuesday and why’s it’s important you send the Democrat’s packing.

From the beginning, The Obama administration has deceived, divided and is destroying America:

Deceit: The administration has constantly fed us lies on Benghazi which resulted in the deaths of four Americans (including Obama’s Ambassador), Fast and Furious (which resulted in the death of a federal law enforcement officer with ties to Michigan), the IRS  and VA scandals just to mention a few.

Divide: They are continually working to divide us by race in Ferguson, Missouri and in the Trayvon Martin case, by economic status and religious groups.

Destroy: This president hates what America stands for and has destroyed the rule of law, our constitutional form of government, the health care system, life in the womb, marriage and our relationship with our allies, namely Israel. He’s also destroying our coal and nucler facilities along with the jobs those industry provide. If Obama really loved America, he wouldn’t be so hell-bent on transforming it.

Christ said, “You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16)” and that’s why it’s imperative you vote against any Democrat running for office, especially those at federal level, because an over-whelming majority of them have voted for Obama’s agenda 97% of the time.

I’m not saying the GOP is any better, and many of them need to be sent home too. What’s needed at the moment is to rid the House and Senate of these leftists and then work on returning power to the states – something outlined for us in Article V of the Constitution.

(1) Gateway Pundit, posted by Jim Hoft, 10-29-14; (2) Mark Levin, 10-28-14 and The Jerusalem Post.

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