posted by Writer on Nov 3

635778572028149401-bremertonassistantcoachAmerica was born when tyrants and kings ruled the earth. What makes America unique is that we had a representative government, with our success dependent on the good conduct of it’s people.

Rush says; “The history of the world is tyranny” (1) with the first recorded instance found in Genesis 10.

The guy’s name was Nimrod, which means “rebel.” (2)

He was “a violent invader of his neighbor’s rights and properties, and a persecutor of innocent men, carrying all before him, and endeavoring to make all his own by force and violence.” (3)

Tyranny continued in the days of Abraham, where we read of the first written account of war.

Lot and others, many who didn’t believe in the One True God, were taken captive by invading forces. Scripture tells us; “When Abram heard that his brother (Lot) was taken captive, he armed his trained servants….three hundred and eighteen and pursued them…(Genesis 14:14).”

This was no rag-tag bunch he went after, they were powerful. Nonetheless, Abram had a plan, engaged and handed their heads to them. Keep in mind that His boys knew how to use their weapons.

I’m sure it occurred to him these guys would one day come back for their pound of flesh.

God knew this, and gave this wonderful promise to him; “Fear not, Abram: I am your shield, and your exceeding great reward” (Genesis 15:1).

God assured him of safety and happinessI AM a shield to thee, present with thee, actually caring for thee. God is himself and will be, a shield to his people to secure them from all destructive evils, a shield ready to them and a shield round about them.” (4)

Tyranny is rearing it’s ugly head in America, and there’s nothing in scripture or American history that say’s we’re more godly or righteous when we sit back and take what the Left continually rams down our throat.

Standing against tyrants is in our DNA.

Take the case of Coach Joe Kennedy who was relieved of his duties because he sought to exercise his First Amendment right to pray at a football game.

If Kennedy capitulated do you think these marxists would stop here? No, their goal is to erase all evidence of Christianity in the US.635778750115304547-bremerton-hs-prayer

If America wasn’t founded on Christian principles then why all the effort trying to get rid of that “Eternal Shield”?

Kennedy say’s “the fight for freedom comes at a high cost” and he’s ready to strap it on and put it all on the line.

Far too many Christians think they’re being obedient to God when they let tyrants shred the Constitution. Nothing could be further from the truth.

If it were so, you wouldn’t be enjoying the comforts and blessing of this great land as you’re now doing.

By forbidding us to worship and pushing God out of our culture they’re messing with our only true means of defense – that Shield we read about in Genesis 15.

Take a page from American history and apply it to this hour; “You…are placed by Providence in the post of honor, because it is the post of danger…The eyes not only of North America and the whole British Empire, but of all Europe, are upon you. Let us be, therefore, altogether solicitous that no disorderly behavior, nothing unbecoming our character as Americans, as citizens and Christians, be justly chargeable to us.” (5)275px-Battle_of_Guiliford_Courthouse_15_March_1781

Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual… Continue steadfast, and with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” (6)

I’m not saying to grab your gun and meet on “The Green.” It may come to that one day, and maybe should. Lord knows there’s a number of rats in this country, avowed enemies to the nation, that need to be exterminated once and for all.

What I’am saying, is that we need to protect our rights while we still have the chance.

I wonder what Leftist’s would do if hundreds joined the coach on “the Fifty” or packed a school board meeting to pray?

Sitting back and saying God is permitting this to happen in a country founded like our’s, while doing nothing, is as much a sin in the eyes of Heaven as any other act. Remember what Christ said; “To whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48).

Paul stood up to the authorities and demanded his rights, and they backed down in a hurry (Acts 16:35-38).

Abram didn’t go looking for fight, but he didn’t shrink from it either. Neither did the other great soldiers of the Bible.

We didn’t ask for this, and just want to live our lives in peace. However, these gestapo-like tactics are being forced on us at every turn to put us under the boots of tyrants.

You may take a hit, lose everything, even your life. Coach Kennedy is prepared to pay the freight.


(1) Rush Limbaugh; (2) A.W. Pink and Dr. J. Vernon McGee; (3 and 4) Matthew Henry – A Commentary on The Whole Bible, Volume 1 Genesis to Deuteronomy pages 76 and 99; (5-6) Quote used from the paper, The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms – Origins and History, American Minute by Bill Federer October 30, 2015; photo between notes 5 & 6 is The Battle of Guilford (NC) Courthouse.

Footnote 5 was issued by Masschusetts Provincial Congress while footnote 6 is from the Provincial Congress of 17774.

2 Comments to “The Case Against Joe Kennedy”

  1. Kinda Says:

    This is so well done, Steve. I wish it could be posted on a billboard. People NEED to know. I pray we could have a CHRISTIAN RALLY! If I could, I would join Coach Kennedy on the field. Let’s look for opportunities to defend our Freedom. Let’s be a “Coach Kennedy” in ALL circumstances.

  2. Writer Says:

    Thank you!

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