posted by Writer on Jun 22

imagesTo destroy a people you must first sever them from their roots.” Alexander Solzhenitsyn




Marxists have been actively engaged in destroying our heritage, and have been doing all they can to erase God from the prominent role He played in our founding.

I’ve been aware this for some time, but men like Mark Levin, a Constitutional scholar and well-versed in American history, does a better much job than I pointing out how the assault continues.

During a recent radio broadcast, Levin said the Treasury Department is actively involved in “another whitewash of American history” by moving to take one of our premier founders, Alexander Hamilton, off the ten dollar bill.Final1999$10SnBL00002040A

Levin gave a short bio on Hamilton stating that he opposed slavery, was an abolitionist who founded and promoted an organization to help freed slaves, wrote most of the articles in the Federalists Papers (that explained to Americans how our republic was to operate), and pushed hard for a Constitutional Convention.

He was also a “trusted Aide-de-camp” to General Washington during the Revolutionary war, became the first Secretary of the Treasury, was very instrumental in setting up our financial system while insisting we pay down the debt. (1)

You’re history is being destroyed before your eyes, while many Americans are alseep or don’t give a rip.

This is what Mr. Solzhenitsyn meant when Marxists set about to rewrite a nation’s history.

It’s all part of the transformation process.

(1) The source for this post came from Mark Levin,, June 19-2015.


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