posted by Writer on Nov 6

Virginia electionScripture has given us the template for chosing our leaders (See Exodus 18:21).

Barring fraud or any other inconsistencies, it appears Virginia voters opted for the “Romans 1 Platform” by electing Terry McAuliffe – a man with very close ties to the Clinton’s. (1) He will now impose that radical agenda on Virginia, while paving the wave for Hillary’s White House run. (While I’m at it, what has she accomplished?)

The vote was close with McAuliffe getting 48%, Ken Cuccinelli 46%, and the third candidate Robert Sarvis (running as a Libertarian, but actually a Dem plant to help McAuliffe), got 6.6%.Ken Cuccinelli, Terry McAuliffe

Don’t be swayed by pundits who say these results spell danger for the Dems in 2014. They don’t. Virginia voters had the chance, here and now, to send a strong message to Washington that they reject the President’s agenda and the ever expanding “Federal Leviathan”, but they didn’t. (2)

Don’t be mislead either that reports of O’s popularity numbers are in the pooper. It means nothing, because the GOP establishment didn’t lift a finger to help the conservative Cuccinelli. If anything, they worked to defeat him. The war is against ‘the little guy,’ which is you and me.

Establishment Washington is doing everything in their power to remove the conservative voice from the public square. We can no longer depend on career politicians to defend the Constitution, because they’re too busy protecting their own hides.

Eventually, both parties will work in concert to crush and silence all opposition to their agenda, and that’s why it is imperative you get your head into the game.

The link below alleges that the 3rd party candidate (Robert Sarvis) in Virginia’s election was ‘a plant’ to split the conservative vote. If true, it worked. That’s why it’s important each one of us to take the time to look into the background of each person running for office when it comes our time to vote.

Sarvis ran as a Libertarian, and people believed him. However, it is interesting to note that neither Rand Paul or his father Ron supported him. They came to Virginia in support of Cuccinelli.

If Sarvis were a Libertarian, common sense dictates that the Paul’s would have supported him instead of Ken Cuccinelli. 

1. Romans 1 Platform, John MacArthur; 2. Mark Levin.

2 Comments to “Results from Virginia”

  1. Susan Fulcher Says:

    Very disappointed with Cuccinelli’s loss last night. However,I will continue to fight for Biblical principles in politics. We all must continue the fight and remember that the battle belongs to God. This means we must lead the Biblical charge as Christians and make certain our words and ways are those that glorify our Lord.

  2. Phyllis Says:

    Deception seems to be everywhere. Definitely increasing. Saw recent report that alleges that the train wreck of Obamacare enrollment is a planned diversion for something far worse coming. Prayer definitely needed for HIS people to have more discernment!

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