posted by Writer on Sep 7

syria-under-attackIn a parable using war to make his point, Jesus warned of the perils of waging it too quickly (Luke 14:31-33). While Winston Churchill said there’s no such thing as  “limited” or “isolated” military strikes.”

Let’s revisit the damage inflicted by some who now have kerry_fonda1their muzzles pointed towards Syria.

John Kerry trashed American troops first in Nam, and then again in Iraq.

Remember when Nancy Pelosi ignored the request by the Bush Administration not to meet with President Assad? Not only did meet with him, she praised him!

pelosi-assadIn opposing the Iraq invasion she said, “I say flat out that unilateral use of force without first exhausting every diplomatic remedy and other remedies and making a case to the American people will be harmful to our war on terrorism.” (1) That is, until Obama took over.

Or how about Harry “This war is lost” Reid, who now has his finger on the trigger?

Or these bums, David Bonior (D-MI) and Jim McDerrmott (D-WA), who visited Baghdad prior to the invasion?


Interesting how the Obama Administration is going all out to make their case after failing to provide answers on Fast & Furious and Benghazi.

Another thing emerging is the arrogance of our elected officials. At a recent Town Hall John McCain got trashed by constituents opposed to any military action and responded to one man this way, “I don’t think I need to be lectured to (by you) about veterans.” (2)

John Kerry was visibly upset at the questioning he got from Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC) during a hearing on Syria and told him, “I’m not going to sit here and be told by you that I don’t have a sense of what the judgment is with respect to this.” (3)

These guys have been in office so long they want to make a federal case against anyone who questions them. This is not ‘governement for the people,’ but rule by a small few.

Scripture sheds light on situations like this. But the question is, are we listening?

In the days of Elijah the kingdom was divided with the despotic Ahab ruling over Israel. In I Kings 22 the ruler of Judah was Jehosaphat, one of the few good kings, but one who made a huge mistake by joining forces with the likes of Ahab.

Jehosaphat wanted to know God’s will before going to battle, so Ahab paraded his court jesters, disguised as prophets, before them. These charlatans predicted success, but Jehosphat suspected the whole thing was rigged from the start, a mere formality. Yet, he had the presence of mind to ask for another opinion, this time from a true man of God (22:7).

Reluctantly, Ahab agrees and readers are introduced to the prophet Micaiah who’s being summoned from prison. Not much is said about the man except that he only delivered the messages God told him to, not what Ahab wanted to hear. We find that scripture records Ahab’s disdain for Micaiah and had him locked up.

Unlike the others, Micaiah predicted doom for Ahab and his troops causing Ahab to lose it again, and the last thing we read about Micaiah is that he’s on his way back to the hoosegow.

After going through the charade both men ignored God’s man, and went off anyway. The move cost Ahab his life (something God predicted through Elijah), while Jehosaphat narrowly escaped with his – after being set up by Ahab.

There was a time in our history when Christians gathered to pray during national emergencies. However, I think we’ve become too smug like our leaders?

israelWe have much to pray for in this situation, while at the same time demanding that our elected officials obey the Constitution.

Like the false prophets in Ahab’s day, the Congressional Black Caucus (a vast majority who are dead set against war), will come out in support of Obama because they don’t want to leave the first black president ‘out there by himself” (4). A sound reason for going to war, eh!

Congress must also consider how the President and some of his main players handled Benghazi. The confusion surrounding what happned in Libya is because the Administration, with the blessing of President Obama, lied to us.

At the moment, Israel isn’t sweating things and realizes that what’s going on in Syria is an internal conflict. However, If President Obama is sincerely interested in stopping the blood letting in the region he’d go after the radical Islamists, but we know this isn’t going to happen.

I believe Obama has his mind made up and will strike at some point, regardless what we or Congress thinks. Some even believe his actions could precipitate a Constitutional crisis. Who knows?

Don’t be misled by news stories, the president IS NOT incompetent. He knows exactly what he’s doing, I’m just not convinced he has the best interests of the United States in mind.

What’s dangerous is that he believes he’s the smartest guy on the planet, making it all the more risky for us to put our confidence in him.

(1) Pelosi’s Dance with Assad, Majid Rafizadeh, Frontpage Mag, 09-06-13; (2) Voters Give McCain The Business, 09-06-2013 on the EIB NEtwork; (3) The Tense Moment When a GOP Congressman Challenged John Kerry With Benghazi Qustions During Syria Hearing, Beckett Adams, The Blaze, 09-04-2103; (4) Eleanor Holmes Norton, Congresswoman (D-Wash DC).

2 Comments to “On Going to War”

  1. Chris Says:

    Proverbs 6…
    “There are six things that the Lord hates,
    seven that are an abomination to him:
    haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
    and hands that shed innocent blood,
    a heart that devises wicked plans,
    feet that make haste to run to evil,
    a false witness who breathes out lies,
    and one who sows discord among brothers.”

    How many of the six/seven will be accomplished by going to war with Syria? I heard Obama say on his weekly radio address that we “can’t turn a blind eye” to what’s happening in Syria. Really? like we do regarding the atrocities in Africa, or the 30 million babies killed in America that Obama supports.

    Next Obama said if we don’t respond to the use of chemical weapons in Syria, terrorist might get them and “use them against us”

    Now you know he’s desperate and lying or something when he starts selling the war using classic fear mongering tactics like ‘better go kill them or else they will kill us. ‘

  2. Susan Fulcher Says:

    His so called ‘smarts will cost him a lame duck remainder of his term. He is so over his head in foreign relations, and I don’t think those giving him advice are any better.

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