posted by Writer on Sep 1


“The Congress shall have Power…To declare War” Article I, Section 8 – U.S. Constitution

After making numerous end runs around Congress, President Obama now wants their blessing before launching strikes against Syria.

Really? To quote Harry Callahan, aka Dirty Harry; “That’simages mighty white of him.”

Why the big rush to follow the Constitution, now? By the way, this is going to make for some interesting discussions in Congress over the next few weeks because many are divided on the issue.

Barry believes he has the authority to launch rockets without a green light from Congress, yet he wants to include them – The Constitution say’s otherwise. Up till now, Obama hasn’t given a rip about the rule of law or the Constitution, and now he’s expecting us to be thankful for saying he’ll follow the Constitution and abide by his oath. I don’t think so.

You should also know that some presidents have used force without congressional approval in days gone by. So, it remains to be seen how this will play out.

Why is he taking this route? Is it because he doesn’t have the support of the international community and is trying to buy more time?

Why does he feel the need to crank rounds now when his administration prevented Israel from doing so when they were threatened by Syria and Lebanon?

Don’t be deceived, this is politics and not what’s in the best interest of the US or Israel – who find themselves increasingly surrounded by people bent on destroying them (See Psalm 83:4). The stakes are high and Obama may be looking to place blame elsewhere if things go south. This IS NOT leadership, people!

I don’t believe anything the administration tries to sell us – especially since we’re still waiting for the truth to come out on Benghazi and Fast and Furious. Tell me, do you really trust the likes of John Kerry (who has a track record of condemning US troops), the Iranian born Valerie Jarrett, or Samantha Power? Do you think your safety is paramount in their minds? If you do, then you’re a fool.

While no one condones the slaughter of innocent people, why should we rush to help other nations, especially those who are hostile to us, when Obama didn’t help our own guys in Libya? This is a huge bone of contention with me.

Also, lets not be too quick to believe what’s being reported by the US media – they haven’t told us the truth in decades. Reports out of Europe say the rebels got ahold of the weapons and then mishandled them which resulted in the civilian casualties.

Obama has an obligation to make his case before Congress and the American people, before he goes off half-cocked.

Over the last five years the Mideast has disintegrated before out eyes with a lot of dictators being dispatched. Granted these guys were bad seeds, however, they kept radical elements like the Muslim Brotherhood in check. Since Obama took over the MB has gained a powerful foothold in the region, and in their effort to install a worldwide caliphate the West and Israel are now in their crosshairs.

It appears Obama has advanced the cause of the MB more than hinder it, and it’s no secret he detests Israel and our way of life. If he were to stand on the lawn of the White House and proclaim his faith in Mohammed, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Besides, his actions over the years have shown a deep attachment to Islam and its followers, while displaying contempt for America’s form of government.

Throughout our history ‘the church’ has always played a pivotal role when any crisis arose. In many cases, our leaders called on us to pray. You need to realize the danger we’re in if Obama is making subliminal moves to put our troops in the region that could one day work against Israel’s interests (Genesis 12:1-3).

That’s why its imperative churches across the nation start praying.

Throughout our illustrious history, we held national days of prayer before a fight. Keep in mind, the key to all of our military victories was having Jesus Christ in the center of things (Joshua 1:3,5-6-9 and 6:2). That’s the biblical definition of a ‘firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence‘.

Right now, we have a rogue group of people running the country who have no regard for God and His ways. Point Number 2; Many in Washington don’t know His ways.

Although we have abandoned His way of doing things, God standards haven’t changed. He’ll judge the nation based on what Obama does, and I have no confidence he’s going to make the right moves. Up to this point, he hasn’t.

His reverence for God and doing things His way isn’t cutting it. If he goes down the wrong road, we’re going to get burned big time (Exodus 14; 1 Samuel 4:10; and 1 Chronicles 21:16).

While we don’t have real leadership in Washington, we do in the pulpits, and hopefully these men entrusted with proclaiming Truth will take a bold (and most likely an unpopular stance) to call the president out. The pastors were responsible for the formation of the country and it’s time for them to stand again! Next to God Himself, I believe they’re America’s authentic line of defense.

I won’t be surprised if Obama hits Syria before Congress reconvenes. He’s the kind of person that say’s one thing, and then does another.

We seen that before though, haven’t we?


3 Comments to “Did the king Flinch?”

  1. Susan Fulcher Says:

    Ironic, isn’t it? Obama NOW wants Congressional approval before any strike is launched by the U.S. He is so far out the zone of what is and isn’t the job of a President of the United States, he takes one foot out of his mouth and inserts the other. He doesn’t want the blame to fall solely on himself if a strike backfires. Let Congress take the hit!

    Christians everywhere need to be praying for our country, its President and its leaders. Our God reigns and wants us to follow Him even in the most difficult of times.

  2. Dan Says:

    Well, the American people spoke up and we didnt attack. Whew.

    But while it may be true that we will all be judged by Obamas actions, I cannot help but be reminded of Daniel. God puts all leaders in power, the good and the bad. And he does it for His purpose.

  3. Writer Says:


    Americans have been given the privilege of selecting our leaders. However, many of us haven’t done our homework over the the last sixty years or so, and this is the result.

    The first Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, reminded us of this important duty and we have failed. How is that we get to pick who leads and then when it goes south we blame God? We’re responsible for this mess Skeeter, not Him!

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