posted by Writer on Oct 4

image0016President Obama told Americans they could keep their doctor, that disease wouldn’t come to our shores and that the Islamic jihadi’s were amateurs. Every time he opens his mouth he lies through his teeth while millions continue believing him.

He hates Jews, leaves Americans to die when attacked, say’s nothing when Christians are slaughtered, and trips over himself rushing to defend Islam. He’s cozied up to our enemies and disdains what America stands for – And if he loved something he wouldn’t be so intent on transforming it. (1)

The rule of law is collapsing, liberties are diminishing, the health and safety of Americans is in jeopardy from domestic and foreign enemies while his attorney general is guilty of gross prosecutorial misconduct, using his office under “color of law” to enact a radical agenda.

In days gone by prayer meetings would be going on day and night, but America has no leaders who would admit their dependence on God. So it is incumbent upon pastors, the men armed with Truth, to speak up and to bring their congregations before the Lord.

Lincoln was a leader who loved America and its people, and called the nation to prayer on April 30, 1863. It was a very dark time, but Lincoln’s prayer proclamation was met with almost instantaneousjackson_shot results that changed the course of the war in the North’s favor.

For some reason many pastors are reluctant to speak out on the issues of the day out of fear, indifference or ignorance. By ignorance, I mean they’re unaware of the central role pastors played in American Liberty.

Along with pastors, Christian men and women are obligated to act because we have a unique role in the world. “We’re not Americans who happen to be Christians. We’re Christians who happen to be Americans and with that comes a greater stewardship responsibility in protecting our freedoms.” (2)

But like the Iraqi’s, many Christians won’t lift a finger to fight for freedom.

Hard core Stalinist’s are now in power and have no regard for God or our Christian heritage. They’re out to bury us, but we can use the Constitutional means left to us by the Founders to defend ourselves.

Witherspoon, the only pastor to sign the Declaration, called those who hated God enemies of America. And who would know better than he?

General John Stark, one of the hero’s at the Battle of Bennington said; “Live Free or die. Death is not the worst of evils.” 

(1) Mark Levin; (2) Quote from a good  friend who shall remain nameless.

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