posted by Writer on Jun 7

WIK_France_Approaching-OmahaOn June 6, 1944, young American men stormed the beaches of Normandy, France and climbed the cliffs of Pointe-du-hoc.

They did it to rid the world of a madman responsible for the death of millions, many of them Jews, who did nothing wrong and who were just living life peacefully.

Today, America faces threats on two fronts, from Islamic fascists and our over-reaching, out-of-control, federal government.

Our government is tightening its grip at a rapid pace and yet many Americans could care less, so long as they get their daily dose of Sports Center, can tune in to the latest reality show, or are immersed in their latest hobby, vacation, or business venture.

748px-eisenhower_d-day-450x360Many of us have never had to fight to preserve our liberties, so we’ve taken them for granted.

It has been said that; ‘Freedom is measured in the terms of vigilance.’ Personally, I am ashamed9555781-american-ww2-cemetery-at-omaha-beach-normandy-france of being called an American because we’ve been given so much and have done so little, that the sacrifices made 69 years ago seem meaningless. In essence, its like we have spit on the graves of the men who gave so much and yet never had the chance to live life as we now enjoy it.

The history of humanity is one of tyranny, dungeons, bondage, prisons. The vast majority of human beings who have lived on this planet have been subjected to tyrannical, authoritarian governments, regimes, neighborhoods, leadership, what have you,” so says Rush Limbaugh. (1)

Yet, through God’s grace and His providential intervention, through the prayers of a nation dependent on Him along with the valor of American forces, millions have been freed.

Why did they do it? Presdient Ronald Reagan tells why; “It was faith and belief; it was loyalty and love. The men of Normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, faith that they fought for all humanity, faith that a just God (the God of the Scripture, italics mine) would grant them mercy on this beachhead or on the next.” (2)

In Memorial Day sermon in 1997, the late Dr. D.J. Kennedy asked this question:

The question I would ask today is, “Will the Church forget what you and a great many thousands of others fought for, and what some gave the last full measure of devotion to defend? Will the Church forget the principles upon which this nation was founded–principles of liberty, and not license; of godliness and piety and morality. This is what this nation was built upon. Will those things be forgotten? Alas, dear friends, I’m afraid that not only will the Church forget them, but to a large degree the Church has already forgotten them.” (3)

2561211540_7275d2a9dbMay God forgive us not taking time to thank Him for the victory won on June 6 so many years ago, and for enabling Allied troops to drive the Nazi’s out of France.

May He forgive us for allowing wolves to roam free in our halls of government which at one time honored the name of Jesus Christ.

May He, and those who fought, forgive us for forgetting.

(1 & 2) Rush Limbaugh Show, President Reagan’s 1984 Normandy Speech, 06-06-13; (3) D. James Kennedy, Will the Church Forget?; FRC Prayer Team, May 29, 2013

2 Comments to “June 6, 1944”

  1. Kinda Says:

    As I read this, I, too, am ashamed as to what we have become as a nation. May God forgive us and have mercy on us. We are so undeserving of His Love. My heart aches as I think of those men who never got to live out their lives because they fought against an evil that would have taken over the world had America not stepped in. God Bless them all and shame on us, as a church, for not remembering them.

  2. Susan Fulcher Says:

    The beaches of Normandy are just one of the many spots in this world that American blood has been spilled to give freedom to those caught in tyranny. We owe an enormous gratitude to the greatest heroes of this world, living or having given their lives in the struggle, and those who are currently fighting for the freedom we have enjoyed in this country. Unfortunately, our government and too many Americans have lost sight of the cost of this freedom. If our countrymen don’t wake up to the governmental abuses now enveloping us, who will come to fight for us?

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