posted by Writer on Mar 9

USA_FirstCongress01_fullThe opinions vary after a councilwoman invoked Jesus’ name in a prayer before a meeting.

Americans have been robbed of their religious heritage and it is essential we learn the truth. After all, as James Dobson said; “Truth is impossible to suppress forever.” It’s out there, we just have to dig for it.

In 1774, George III sent his navy into Boston and closed the port after the colonists dumped tea into the harbor. The infuriated monarch tightened the noose even further with a number of unjust laws the colonists dubbed “The Intolerable Acts.”

Things came to a head quickly because a small group of people living thousands of miles away continually intruded into the lives of the Americans. Sound familiar?

As a result, the first Continental Congress convened and met in Philadelphia on September 7, 1774 (at the same time Boston was being attacked by British troops). The first order of business was to seek a higher power to bless the endeavors they were about to embark on.

Rev. Jacob Duche was chosen to deliver the prayer and read Psalm 35 before doing so.(1) The link below contains his prayer.

There is only one name which allows us to come before God and ask for things and his name is Jesus Christ, something our forefathers weren’t ashamed to do (See John 14:14 and Romans 5:2).

(1) Psalm 35 was written by David while he was on the run from Saul, the background is found in 1 Samuel 24 (Compare I Samuel 24:15 with Psalm 35:1). Keep in mind that while the Psalms have brought comfort to millions through their trials, it also applies (as do many of the Psalms) to the godly remnant who appeal to God for deliverance during the Tribulation. For further insight Writer suggests a book (most likely out of print) entitled, The Pslams: An Exposition by Dr. Arno C. Gaebelein.


One Comment to “In Jesus’ Name”

  1. Susan Fulcher Says:

    Christians have too easily given in to the pressure we are receiving. There are thousands upon thousands out there that hold the same views we do. We cannot and must not give in. Hold the banner of Jesus high and fight the good fight.

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