posted by Writer on Jul 2

63-7-3-the-high-water-at-gettysburg_detailAs America commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, abortion like slavery, remains the most ‘divisive and contentious issue’ (1).

Last week, Texas state Senator Wendy Davis became the Left’s newest hero after sheshareable-shoes pulled off a 13-hour filibuster, and with help from a disorderly crowd in the gallery, was able to prevent lawmakers from passing legislation that would prohibit late term abortions.

Not one to be intimidated, Governor Rick Perry ordered state legislators back into session for another vote on July 1. Some also believe Davis used this stunt to launch her campaign against Perry in the next election.

The issues that led to the War between the States have reared their ugly head in our day, and I don’t believe they’re going away until the nation deals with this barbaric practice once and for all. I’ve always taken the position that God will allow us to choose which side we’re on.

taking-battery-a-largeWhile on his African vacation, President Obama stated he favors equal rights for all. However, back at home he’s being called out over this because his policies have done nothing but tear the nation apart since he took office. Let the record speak for itself:

1). He wants to give billions to African nations to build up their power grids, while he is working to destroy the coal industry in America.

2). He ‘sicced’ IRS agents on religious and conservative groups.

3). He made sure crosses and other Christian symbols were covered when visiting Georgetown University.

4). Said police acted ‘stupidly’ when arresting his buddy, Henry Louis Gates.

5). He said; ‘If I had a son, He’d look like Trayvon’ (Martin).

6). He bows to foreign kings, sympathizes with the Muslim Brotherhood, and has contempt fro Israel.

7). Promotes abortion and same-sex marriage at tax-payer expense.

8). His speeches at the Naval Academy’s commencement ceremony and at Arlington Cemetery onSoul-lion-900 Memorial Day were filled with ‘scapegoating and politics.’ He never said ‘one positive word’ about sacrifices made in Iraq and Afghanistan, either. (2)

9). He’s spends obscene amounts of money to travel the world, while federal law enforcement agencies have been ordered to cut back on training ‘due to the sequester.”

10). He has lied to us on Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the other scandals.

Still don’t think the nation is split? Think again, and the President and his crew are working overtime to see it remains this way.

One final thought from Governor Perry; “A nation (or its leaders) that promotes the killing of children at five months will have no problem taking away your liberties”.

Think about that one as you celebrate the Fourth!

(1) The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War; John J. Dwyer, p.xix; (2) Obama’s Dangerous Confusions by Daniel Henniger, Wall Street Journal, 5-29-2013.

Civil War Paintings are by John Paul Strain. I recommend you visit his website at

“Tot-to-Toe poster is from Rick Santorum’s organization, Patriot Voices.







2 Comments to ““Toe-to-Toe””

  1. Phyllis Says:

    Sadly our liberties have been taken away little by little. Celebrating this 4th of July will be very bittersweet for me as I wonder if it might be the last one to celebrate our freedoms we have so greatly enjoyed and under appreciated. But then I have felt this way for the past couple years – it just doesn’t seem to get better, only progressively worse. It seems God is allowing our deconstruction as a nation for a greater purpose. Oh, that His people would cry out to Him, repent, and get serious about Kingdom business! Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

  2. Susan Fulcher Says:

    Obama speaks one language and acts on another. Praise the Lord for political figures like Rick Perry. Although Lincoln directed some unpopular decisions at his time in history in order to save our nation, I wish there was an Abraham Lincoln in office today.

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