posted by Writer on Feb 27

JaneFonda-copyYesterday, Rush Limbaugh reported the following about Jane Fonda on his show; “Jane Fonda is 76.  She is worried that she has “so little time left.”  She “doesn’t want to be cremated or put in a coffin.” (1)

Limbaugh reported that Fonda said; “I ache for unwanted children in the world, for polar bears, and elephants, whales and Monarch butterflies, and dolphins, gorillas and chimpanzees. … I’m not going to be cremated, uses up too much energy and gives off too many toxins, nor do I want to be in a coffin. Just dump me in a hole and let me morph into whatever as quickly as possible.” (2)

Well my heart aches, too because Fonda, along with a whole host of others, have never been tried for treasonlimbaughchair for giving aid and comfort to our enemies while our men were either dying in battle or tortured in prison camps.

(1 and 2) Quick Hits Page from the Rush Limbaugh Show, 2-26-14 on the EIB Network.

One Comment to “My Heart Aches, Too”

  1. Susan Fulcher Says:

    I totally agree, Steve! She sounds like she has lost her mind!!

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