posted by Writer on Dec 20

When you see a sign like this posted outside a school, mall or any other building it’s an invitation for ‘wolves’ to come in and slaughter the ‘sheep’. Scripture tells us in Genesis 6:5 (and elsewhere) ‘every intention of the thoughts of (man’s) heart was only evil continually.’

When Lot was taken captive (Genesis 14) Abraham “armed his trained servants” and went after them. He had a plan (v. 15) and rescued Lot along with many other people, the majority of which had no belief in God (v. 16). Why did Abraham rescue Lot? There are a number of reasons, but the main one is because we are ‘made in the image of God, and to [harm or] kill a human being is to attack God’s image.” (1)

A key factor was that Abraham’s men were trained (KJV). As the saying goes; ‘Perfect practice makes perfect.‘ They were skilled in weaponry and tactics (Genesis 14:15).

This is a good time to remind you that the Bill of Rights, especially the first Ten Amendments, belong to you (Note the language, the right of the people or the people in the I, II, IV, IX and X Amendments). The Bill of Rights tell us what government cannot do, while the Constitution outlines what they can do.

The 2nd Amendment is, “a natural human right of self-preservation.” God gave us “the inalienable right to “life, liberty and property” and [we] can’t [enjoy them] if we can’t defend them. You do not relinquish them to the government.” (2)

(1) Wiersbe, Warren, With the Word – A Devotional Commentary, Genesis 9, p. 21; (2) Mark Levin http: 12-18-2012

hillary clinton 2012Hillary skates again – Hillary Clinton did not testify today before congressional panels on her role in the murder of four Americans in Benghazi. Reports are she fell and sustained a concussion while suffering from dehydration. She wants to be president, but has mastered the art of avoiding answering questions in any incident she plays a role in.

As former UN Ambassador, John Bolton noted, ‘she can’t have it both ways.” (1) Or can she?


(1) Frank Beckman Show, 12-20-12, WJR, AM 760 Detroit


One Comment to “Letting the Wolf Inside”

  1. Susan Fulcher Says:

    As sad and horrific were the deaths of those innocent children and adults last week, it wasn’t the guns that were responsible–it was the attacker. Do cars kill or are the drivers behind the wheels responsible? Naturally, our government and society are attacking this entire situation from the wrong angle!

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