posted by Writer on Oct 28


The White House keeps telling stories about Libya, with the latest coming from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta who said; “the basic principle is you don’t deploy forces into harms way without knowing what’s going on.” (1) Really?

If the administration were so concerned about placing our troops in danger, why haven’t we suspended operations with ‘Afghan security personnel’ who are responsible for sixty-four attacks on our troops since 2009 (The most recent one coming on October 25)?

While we all realize more is going on behind the scenes than what we’re privy to, whenever the Clinton’s are involved all we get is Mogadishu all over again, resulting in the deaths of good Americans.

What offends me most was the lie being bantered about by the Administration. From the beginning, we were told the attacks were spontaneous, because a video offensive to Mohammed was broadcast throughout the region. At the same time, there were calls to limit our First Amendment rights.

From the onset, our leaders intended to take away constitutional rights by promoting a story that they knew was patently false, and something the American people had nothing to do with. What kind of leadership is this?

Here’s something else you should be aware of, the commanding officer of the Navy’s carrier strike force group in the Mideast was suddenly replaced. The official line is because he showed “inappropriate leadership judgement.” What’s that supposed to mean? Sounds like a “catch-all phrase” when you’re looking to burn someone for something in order to remove them.

Over the last four years a number of high ranking military officers have been replaced or forced to retired, and in this case, “details of the allegations have not been released.”(2) Hmmmm.

Again, we’re not in a position to know everything and this did occur in the past when Lincoln relieved General George McClellan and Truman did the same with MacArthur. But, not in the frequency they have occurred since 2009. We should keep a sharp eye on this as this does affect our national security. It can also be a bit unsettling, because the nation needs its best and brightest in command during wartime.

By the way, did you hear about the transport plane crashing in Afghanistan on October 19 carrying absentee ballots for military personnel? Stuff like this always happens when the Clintons are around. (3)

(1) Obama avoids questions on whether Americans in Libya were denied requests for help, 10-27-12

(2) Navy replaces admiral leading Mideast strike group, 10-27-12, and AP

(3) Absentee Ballots Sent to Military “Burned in Crash” Breitbart News 10-26-12

For a different perspective on Bengahzi read the piece by Douglas J. Hagmann entitled; “The hidden real truth about Benghazi.”


3 Comments to “Inappropriate Leadership Judgment?”

  1. Susan Fulcher Says:

    There is so much lying and untruth coming out of Washington over the Ben Ghazi debacle that the parties involved and responsible are unable to keep their stories straight. I am convinced more and more that Obama is a Muslim and will not risk escalating American defenses on his heritage!

  2. Kenneth Mazur Says:

    Yes, I had heard about the replacement of the commanding officer. I thought the reason provided was lame as well. First thought in my head was, who was he replaced by? What allegiance does this replacement have? Seems to me, when you are about to do something treasonous, that you put people who will remain loyal to you and your ideas in the commanding positions, taking out those that have questioned you or you don’t trust.

    So no news story on the transport plane. Disappointing. Here’s the question: Were those absentee ballots already filled out, or were they on their way to the troops to be filled out. If it’s the former, then it sounds like a bunch of crap. When has one of our transport planes ever gone down. I can’t remember a time.

  3. Deb Says:

    One word for our POTUS: TREASON.

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