posted by Writer on Mar 29


cross-thief2Chuck Swindoll tells us the Carthaginians invented crucifixion, while “the Romans perfected it.” The 22nd Psalm gives us a glimpse of how horrible it was, but at the time it was penned neither crucifixion or the Roman empire existed. (1)

God saw fit to omit much of the brutality, but men through motion pictures, felt the need to pull back the curtain and show us how cruel it was. At least one prominent theologian contends that if God wanted the details in Scripture He would have included them. As usual, man takes it upon himself to go further than what God really intended.

Many dynamic incidents took place while Christ was on the cross, but one has stuck with me since I heard a friend preach on it earlier this year. It was about the repentant thief who saw first hand that Jesus was who He claimed to be – the only begotten Son of God (John 3:16; See also John 1:29). He saw how Jesus conducted himself while the weight of the whole world, our sins if you will, was on his shoulders (Matthew 27:46 and 1 Peter 2:24).

Realizing his lost state, the man did the only thing he could do and askedthiefoncross-1 Jesus to save him. Knowing he would be dead soon, he said in essence (to quote my friend), “There is nothing I can do for you, but there is something you can do for me.” With that simple confession of faith Christ accepted him into his kingdom (Luke 23:39-45).

As I get older, I identify more with the thief and the tax collector in Luke 18:13, because my righteousness in the sight of a Holy God is nothing more than a filthy rag (Isaiah 64:6). These words from the old hymn resonate with me more and more as my life goes on; “Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.” (2)


(1) Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee, Volume II Joshua-Psalms page 708-709; (2) Rocks of Ages by A.M. Toplady


2 Comments to “Clinging to the Old Rugged Cross”

  1. Susan Fulcher Says:

    How true are your words, Steve. I believe as we age as Christians, the true meaning of Christ’s fulfillment of salvation becomes more real and alive. He lives yesterday, today and tomorrow and welcomes all who will come to Him no matter our circumstances. Thank you God for loving me, a sinner.

  2. Deb Says:

    <3 <3

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