posted by Writer on Jan 31

bastogne-025We’re not Americans who happen to be Christians. We’re Christians who are Americans and with that comes a greater stewardship responsibility in protecting our freedoms.” Quoted by a friend of mine.

We have a wonderful record of what our Founders and other lesser known patriots did when they went to war to protect their liberties and way of life.

On the other hand, this present generation is much different than they were, because “we accept whatever’s shoveled at us by allowing elites to steal or seize our liberty just as if it were a foreign power.” (1)

Many Christians have sat by waiting to board “The Happy Day Express” while our way of life is being destroyed. (2)

The world, including the United States, is hemorrhaging. Militant Islam is on the march resembling the Nazi’s of the 1930’s when they stormed across Europe. Their goal is to “bathe Americans in their own blood.”

At the same time, our government is moving to disarm us which prevents us from defending ourselves against the common criminal, foreign invaders and tyrants.

Yet, we go about our business as if none of this is taking place, worried more about whether or not a football was properly inflated according to NFL specifications.

Do you want to go to war under the leadership of a president who’s policies on life, marriage and Israel conflict with God and His Word? Not me!

As I write, it’s being reported that President Obama sent a team to Israel to help defeat PM Benjamin Netanyahu in the upcoming election – the only world leader calling out militant Islam as a blood-thirsty religion. How far do you think Obama will get with this move?

Scripture has a dire warning for those who mess with His people. After all, He is known as the God of Israel and if Obama continues to go against the Israeli’s we won’t just suffer an economic downturn or experience a few bad storms here and there.

The Book say’s we’ll be cursed (Genesis 12:1-3) and all one has to do is look at the nations lining the “highway of death” when their leaders took this route.

Obama thinks he the smartest guy in the world, maybe even smarter than God, and unless God moves him to surround himself with godly counselors or he has a heart change, he’ll get his jock handed to him and we along with him.

According to the way I understand scripture and having heard numerous sermons on this topic, God will curse America for harming his people or giving aid to their enemies.

Marxist’s continue forcing a lifestyle, or transformation if you will, on American’s that they would never permit to happen to themselves.

You need to decide whether or not you want to live free or be slaves to an ever growing tyrannical government.

Keep an eye on the state of Alabama and the famed Ten Commandments judge, Roy Moore.

I’ve always admired him for refusing to remove the Ten Commandments monument while serving as a judge. He lost his seat, but was reelected by voters there as Chief Justice of the state supreme court.

Last week another federal judge “junked 697,591 votes on Alabama’s 2006 marriage amendment. Moore then wrote to Governor Robert Bentley saying: “Be advised that I stand with you to stop judicial tyranny and any unlawful opinions issued without constitutional authority….As you know, nothing in the United States Constitution grants the federal government the authority to redefine the institution of marriage…I will continue to recognize the Alabama Constitution and the will of the people overwhelmingly express in the sanctity of Marriage Amendment.” (3)

Take time to study the lives of the courageous men who by God’s grace gave us this great nation. One in particular is Dr. Joseph Warren who was a fiery patriot in the early stages of the Revolution. He gave up everything and died at the young age of thirty-four ondeath_of_general_warren_at_the_battle_of_bunker_hill Bunker Hill.

Warren and others went to war to protect individual liberty, private property rights, the rule of law (see the Boston Massacre and what John Adams and Josiah Quincy did) and for a representative government. What the Declaration calls “the consent of the governed.

If we continue to let unelected judges dictate our policy and elevate their own views above voters’, then marriage is just Chapter 1 of the playbook to fundamentally remake society. Libertarians and anyone else foolish enough to think the courts will suddenly embrace their limits after the marriage debate are in for a big surprise. Instead, the courts will start flexing their growing muscle over other laws they were never intended to rewrite — like the First and Second Amendments.” (4)

Love_Not_War_Sign_thumbA veteran of five tours in the mideast recently commented to me that; “The greatest generation gave birth to the (crappiest) one.” I’ve cleaned it up a bit in order to make this more palatable for decent people. But, you get his drift.

Like the laborer who came to work in the last hour of the shift, hopefully the baby-boomers who’ve partied their lives away, will defend the country and those to follow us (See Matthew 20:1-5, which talks about being faithful to a task).

Maybe this veteran will change his opinion about the ungrateful people he went to war for.

(1) Mark Levin,, 01-27-15; (2) The old Sunday School chorus entitled The Happy Day Express: “We’re going to the mansion on the Happy Day Express. The letters on the engine are J-E-S-U-S. The guard calls “All for Heaven” We gladly answer “yes!” We’re going to the mansion on the Happy Day Express.”; (3) Bench Splinter’s Over Marriage Case, Tony Perkins’ Washington Update, The Family Research Council, January 28, 2015; (4) Ibid

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