posted by Writer on Oct 4

charles-martland-600What kind of country sits back and does nothing when a president honors a traitor with a Rose Garden ceremony, then drums two valiant warriors out of the military for drop- kicking a high-ranking Afgahn official off their base after learning he kidnapped and enslaved a 12 year old boy for sexual purposes?

The soldiers rescued the boy after the mother came to them for help when others ignored her.


We act shocked when young people are shot down like dogs in cold blood on college campuses, while Congress continues funding the “Mengele-style” tactics of Planned Parenthood.


What kind of country sits back while our president jumps in bed with every rouge dictator and abandons Israel, our most faithful ally, in their time of need?


This is the second time in recent months an “active shooter” knocked major stories, like what the Russians are doing in Syria, out of the lead slot. In July, the Planned Parenthood butchery took a backseat to the shooting in Louisiana.

Coincidence? You make the call.

Rest assured, Obama will continue lecturing us on how terrible we are as a nation after the latest shooting, call for more gun control while our enemies, at home and abroad, move to wipe us out.

Obama snubs Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and say’s nothing while their enemies tighten the noose.

We don’t hear a peep from him when cops, military personnel or Christians are killed, but he wastes no time rushing to a mike to tear down an entire nation for the actions of a one banana pie.

The coward in the Oregon shootings specifically targeted Christians and all Obama does is “ramble about himself, politics, and more gun laws.” (1)

We’re Americans, and we don’t sit back and take this garbage from anyone, including a president.

It’s American to rush into a fight, not run from one. It’s how God created us and it’s pure Americana to react like the two Green Berets, the three guys on the train in France, or the vet in Oregon who rushed the shooter and took five bullets in the process to save others. It’s the sheep-dog mentality.

That’s who we are, not what the Obama and other Marxists are trying to remake us into.

Don’t be conned into believing government will be there to protect you, they won’t.

Obama, Biden, Clinton and those in media know this.  They’re just trying to get us to surrender another inalienable right, albeit in the name of safety.

(1) Mark Levin, 10-02-15, The Mark Levin Show,

Note: Gun Free Zone photo was found on 10-02-15

3 Comments to “What Kind of Nation Have We Become?”

  1. April Says:

    A Godless one.

  2. Linnae Says:

    You hit the nail on the head. Perfectly said.

  3. Kinda Says:

    Exactly how I feel!

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