posted by Writer on May 2

AP Poll DEM 2016 Clin_GarcEnemies of the United States – The Nazi’s were masters “promoting unrest and publishing” the results across Germany. (1) They were the ones behind the chaos.

Move to present day America and the violence taking palace at Donald Trump rallies. I’m not a Trump fan and when I hear him speak, the parable of the “rich fool” comes to mind (Luke 12:16-21).

I don’t think he’s a conservative and wouldn’t be surprised if he were aligned with the Clinton’s to sabotage the election, because the Clinton’s can’t do anything, especially Hillary, without cheating or stacking the deck in their favor.

Keep in mind, it’s the people, not the process that’s corrupt. However, Trump is banking on a number of idiots to believe his line that the process needs to be changed.

However, the man has a right to campaign and hold a rally where he chooses without the threat of violence and deserves to be heard.

Those were not protesters…You have a bunch of left-wing probably George Soros bought and paid for rent-a-mob members, and maybe even some illegals in the crowd, and they start destroying police cars.  Meanwhile, Trump has the image that his people riot, and other people protest.  That was a riot last night.  There was no protesting going on whatsoever.  It was bought and paid for, and it was all a scam.

In fact, the media’s all atwitter, and everybody’s all excited about it because they’re trying to portray this as a bunch of God-fearing minorities and lower middle-class people scared to death, terrified of Donald Trump.
That’s not what went on. You had an actual anti-Trump riot.  They want you to believe that this is how pro-Trump people believe.  In the meantime, it’s anti-Trump people and they call ’em protesters, but it was not protesters.  It was a riot.  And what is happening at the same time?  This administration let’s tens of thousands of prisons release illegals back onto the streets, illegals who have serious criminal records.

FILE - In this Wednesday, March 9, 2016 file photo, protesters are removed as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Fayetteville, N.C. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome)

.(AP Photo/Gerry Broome)

They are keeping borders open…the flood continues, and it’s not a weather flood, it’s a human flood of illegal immigrants continuing in greater and greater numbers to cross the southern border.  And the Regime applauds it and does everything they can to keep those borders open. The Border Patrol guys tell you they’re under orders to do nothing.  We bring in unvetted refugees from the Middle East, who have no intention of assimilating.  We ignore voter intimidation by the New Black Panther party in Philadelphia back in 2008. 

The administration turns the IRS loose on law-abiding, everyday Americans that happen to be members of the Tea Party. We have a culture rotting away right before our very eyes.  And we have this thing that happens at the Trump event last night in Costa Mesa that nobody’s condemning and, in fact, many people are looking for ways to applaud and mischaracterize it as a legitimate — that’s an important point — legitimate Trump protest, when that’s not what it was.  That’s left-wing bought-and-paid-for violence on demand.” (2)

These are not legitimate protests. These are anarchists, enemies with no allegiance to the United States who want to silence all opposition. To think otherwise will be fatal.

When God Buries Russia – Take time to read Ezekiel 38-39. Over the years, I’ve taken shots at those who continually say “God is in Control.” I know He is, but I’ve always believed others use this term as an excuse to do nothing – and they have.

When you read this prophecy, written over 2,500 years ago, you’ll see God is setting the stage to whack the Reds. Doctor J. Vernon McGee tells us Ezekiel gave this prophecy before Russia and atheism came into existence.ukraine

Right now, Russia is in the mideast intending to take Israel out, even though they’re not saying this out loud. The neat thing about this passage is that God is leading them there, “the hook in the jaw” (38:4), to inflict a big-time hurt on them once and for all.

Gog is the name for the leader of Russia, “just like president, caesar or pharaoh.” (3) It’s the spot Vladimir Putin now occupies. By the way, Putin is old-school KGB, a stone-cold killer. It may be him or another guy at the helm when this happens, however, Joel Rosenberg has written that he believes Putin will be the man in charge when all this goes down.2014-06-26-VladimirPutinNetanyahu

It also shows how close we could be to the Rapture.

Some prominent theologians think this battle could take place before or after Christ snatches away His own, while others think it will take place during the early days of the Tribulation.

I tend to agree with the latter because three things have to be in place before the Russians and their Islamic cohorts (which includes Iran, called Persia in the text, and Libya. Yes, the modern-day Libya, the one that Obama and Clinton deliberately made a mess of), move towards Jerusalem. (4)

Israel must be in the land (and they are) and prospering (they are). Thirdly, they’ll be at peace. Two of the three pieces are already in place, however, Israel has no peace currently and are on a continual wartime footing.

Read verses 11 and 14 of chapter 38 to see the people must live securely in the land.

David Jeremiah holds the position that the treaty with the anti-christ, to provide for Israel’s borders and security, has to be enacted before the Rooskies move. Then, keep reading to see where God is going to bury them – literally! It’s a pretty brutal scenario (38:18-23; see also 39:11). (5)

That “Haji” coalition will be in for quite a surprise.

This is fantastic and parts of it are unfolding in our day! However, you gotta get off social media sites, read scripture and follow reliable headlines to see the results.

If God is going to annihilate Russia and their Islamic “commeraski’s” for their hatred towards Israel, the US stands to get kicked in the pants for the way we’ve treated Israel.

The “deal” cut by Obama with the Iranians has sent hundreds of millions of dollars to them, which they now send throughout the Middle East to wage more attacks on Israel.

What Obama’s done is treasonous. However, our weak, self-centered Congress would never consider taking this up. God forbid, they’d be called racist.

The only answer I have is that many in Congress, on all sides, are anti-semitic and hate the Jews as much as Obama, Kerry, Clinton and Biden do.

What other motive could there be for treating Israel this way?

(1) Fox and Friends Saturday, 04-30-16; (2) Rush Limbaugh, The Rush Limbaugh Show, Leftists Riot Outside Trump Rally, 04-29-16; (3-5) The Rise and Demise of Russia, Dr. David Jeremiah, Shadow Mountain Church, San Diego, California, 04-24-16.

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