posted by Writer on Jun 22

war-begings-wwii-germanyThe Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. Genesis 6:5-6

I’m sure many think these verses apply to street thugs intent on living life by wreaking havoc on others. However, it applies to everyone, including politicians, because we all have the capability within us to drift over to the “dark side.”

ADN-ZB-Archiv Der Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler bespricht  [in München] mit dem Chef der Sicherheitspolizei Reinhard Heydrich und dessen Mitarbeitern des bisherige Ermittlungsergebnis über den Bombenanschlag im Bürgerbräukeller in München am 8.11.1939 und legt die Grundlinien für die weitere Bearbeitung fest. UBz: v.l.n.r.: SS-Obersturmbannführer Huber, SS-Oberführer [Arthur] Nebe, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, SS-Gruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich und SS-Oberführer [Heinrich] Müller 27.11.1939 [Herausgabedatum]

On August 31, 1939 a number of SS men disguised as Polish soldiers staged a fake attack on a German radio station located on the border of Poland and Germany.

“Next, they broadcast a proclamation in Polish, which called for an uprising against Germany. Hitler wanted to create a pretext to attack Poland and to justify their aggression before the world’s public opinion.

To add authenticity it was planned to take certain prisoners from concentration camps, kill them by use of hypodermic injections, and leave their bodies, clad in Polish uniforms, at the various places where the incidents were planned to occur.”

The “attackers” were beaten beyond recognition to make identification impossible.

This was the excuse Hitler needed to invade Poland the next day…which triggered the Second World War.”(1)

Another “manufacturered crisis.”

Yep, humans are capable of anything.

Senator Bill Nelson (R-Florida), said our Constitution “is a living and breathing document that changes with the times and technology.”

He’s full of it up to his ears and knows it. Do you?

The United States Constitution is a fixed document protecting us from the government and doesn’t change with the times.

We get attacked, again, by another Islamic soldier, and “we have a debate going on as to whether or not we get to keep the 2nd Amendment. We’ve turned a national security issue into a gun control issue.” (2)

Let’s review once again for the spiritually and historically retarded among us. Believe me, we’re surrounded by them.

“The Bill of Rights do not belong to the Senate, the House, The Supreme Court, The president or any political party. They belong to us.” (3)

When you hear some morons ask; “why do you need a military-style rifle?”paul-revere-by-nc-wyeth

Respond by saying the first Ten Amendments are called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

The Colonists had the Brown Bess, among other rifles, back in the day, just as the British troops did.

Freedom, all freedom, is being threatened.

For the last eight years we’ve been subjected to “health care reform, immigration reform and now gun reform.”

What happens with all these reforms is that we lose more rights.

(1), Second World War 1939-1945, Radio Station in Gleitwitz; (2) Mark Levin, the 06-17-16 and 06-21-16; Ibid 06-17-16;

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