posted by Writer on Jan 24

APP-012219-Columbus-Notre-DameMy Letter to Rev. John I. Jenkins, President, University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana)

Reverend Jenkins

I grew up in St. Clair Shores, Michigan, which is a suburb of Detroit. It was and still is, a wonderful place to raise a family.

One prominent church, very close to my old home, is Saint Isaac Jogues Catholic Church . Many friends and families I was acquainted with attended there. It was and I’m sure still is, a valuable commodity in that city.

I was humbled to learn the price Isaac Jogues paid for bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Huron Indians.

Isaac Jogues was the companion of Father Jean de Brebeuf who was killed by Iroquois Indians after being brutally tortured.

“In 1642, while returning from a journey to Quebec to secure supplies, Father Jogues and his party were ambushed by Iroquois.

He managed to escape, but when he saw that several of his companions had been taken prisoner, he surrendered himself and joined them.

“Could I indeed abandon them without giving them help which the Church of my God has entrusted me? Flight seemed horrible to me. If it must be, I said in my heart, that my body suffer the fire of earth, in order to deliver these poor souls from the flames of hell, it is but a transient death, in order to procure for them an eternal life.”

The Indians tore out their captives’ fingernails with their teeth, gnawed their fingers, and cut off a thumb or forefinger of each. Father Jogues was not killed outright, but kept as a slave for the purpose of their future enjoyment through torturing him-torture so cruel that he longed for Christ to release him from life and let him be with Him in heaven.” (1)190123_NotreDame-1250x650

Men like Isaac Jogues risked everything, including their lives, to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Indians.

Will we now surrender our heritage to a few Leftists who seek to revise our history?

Without a doubt, these savages would have killed each other off if these men didn’t bring “The Message of Hope in Christ” to them.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn once said; “To destroy a people you must first sever them from their roots.”

Since the end of World War II, we’ve allowed Marxist’s to remove everything associated with our Christian faith. They won’t rest until every vestige of Christianity is erased from American culture.

As one radio talk show host commented; “In order to keep the mob at bay before they really get mad at us, we’re gonna eliminate whatever it is that might upset them. Even though we do not know who they are! We have no idea who this mob is, we don’t know where they live, we don’t know how honest they are. But, boy, can they ruin things! So we’re gonna take preemptive action to make sure that anything that might offend any one of them is covered up.”

By covering the murals of Columbus, you’re allowing a few radicals to strip Notre Dame of its rich history.iu

As Jedediah Morse warned, “To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. All efforts made to destroy the foundations of our Holy Religion ultimately tend to the subversion also of our political freedom and happiness. In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation… in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom… Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government – and all the blessings which flow from them – must fall with them.”

We learned a lesson last week from the young man from Covington; If one stands their ground, the opposition goes away.

(1). The Light and The Glory: Did God Have a Plan For America? by Peter Marshall and David Manuel, Copyright by Fleming H. Revell, 1977, pages 77-78

3 Comments to “My Letter to Rev John I. Jenkins, President of Notre Dame”

  1. Christopher Schornak Says:

    One of the best of your writings I’ve read Steve.

  2. Phyllis Says:

    Wow, Steve. A great letter. I pray it will be received well. Thank you for being such a great cultural and spiritual warrior today.

  3. Kinda D Hupman Says:

    Excellent letter! We need to keep praying for Divine Intervention and Repentance.

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