posted by Writer on May 19

sealSince President Obama took office more sixty-thousand people have been added to the federal workforce, 18 thousand of which were hired as IRS agents.

This expansion has resulted in an overly aggressive government, where agents acting under orders from on-high, have used their positions to set their sights on law-abiding Americans – the majority of whom are conservatives.

False outrage and promises to provide answers on the scandals now plaguing the administration are nothing more than head fakes. All the while, they hope their pals in mainstream media will provide cover fire by deflecting attention or by blaming the president’s opponents.

Let’s return to Libya for a moment. The tale told by former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that a rescue attempt was impossible because of danger to responding units, won’t cut it. Special units in the police or military world never have enough information, and when they do, it’s always sure to change.

These specialized units engage in high-risk situations keenly aware of the danger that lurks, and that ole’ ‘Murphy’ can gum up the works at any time. Yet, it doesn’t stop them from carrying out their task when called upon. It’s what they signed up for. It’s what they’re all about. It what’s they train long hours for. It’s what they do!

All of these scandals involve one major component, credibility. Lose that and you lose everything.rose_garden_benghazi_1_620_pxlw

“Don’t know about this,” or “we’ll get answers” rings hollow in the ears of many Americans.

Another sad fact surrounding Benghazi is that for the first time in history a sitting US president failed to send help when Americans, one of which was his own ambassador, were screaming for it.

The administration is working to remove their prints from Benghazi, attempting to convey that no one at the top was working that awful September night. They deliberately failed protect Americans from our enemies, yet have no problem marshaling the forces of the federal government in order to launch coordinator attacks upon citizens at home they perceive to be political threats.

01755_largePresident Harry Truman made the following statements; “When the decision is up before you — and on my desk I have a motto which says The Buck Stops Here’ — the decision has to be made.“( 1)

On another occasion he said; “The President–whoever he is–has to decide. He can’t pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That’s his job.” (2)

Truman’s actions showed the buck stopped with him, that he was the man in charge. While Obama and former Secretary of State Clinton always look for ways to dump it off on others.

(1) President Truman’s speech to the National War College December 19, 1952 and (2) President’s Truman Farewell Address, January 1953. Both quotes can be found


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