posted by Writer on Jun 13

airport-security-old-manBeen on a plane lately? Look at the breakdown on your receipt and you’ll see a bunch of “fees”, one of which is the “September 11th Security Fee.” My last trip cost me $11.20.

What’s the fee for? “Passengers pay $2.50 per flight, with a maximum charge of $5 per one way trip (up to two charges in each direction). This fee is paid directly to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).” (1)39475135baiha_sm

It’s a tax paid to another federal agency in the name of safety. In reality, it’s another federal agency run by unelected bureaucrats regulating travel of law-abiding Americans.

TSA agents, “under color of law”, many times act aggressively treating travelers like Nazi’s herding Jews into rail cars. They strip search us because we’re exercising our right as free men and women to travel where we want.images

This tax was enacted without the “consent of the governed” to keep us safe from wolves. Right!

Next, the radical U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled in a split decision that there “is no Second Amendment right for members of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public.” Hmmm…

The opinion was written by Judge William A. Fletcher. (2)

I know there’s some moron out there who believes it’s better to be safe than sorry. They feel safe, as the saying goes.Fletcher_William_150-150

Problem is, there’s a huge difference in feeling safe and being safe.

Judge Fletcher and two colleagues know they don’t have the authority to rule this way, banking on the fact that we’re stupid and don’t know that the first Ten Amendments to the Bill of Rights are inalienable, given to us by God.

Professor Randy Barnett say’s Americans have inalienable rights and it’s the job of government to secure them.

He continues, telling us the government gets their “just powers, not all power or unlimited power, from the consent of the governed because the government is our servants.”

Barnett said “Government is our servant to protect our rights and that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were put in place to protect us from them. We empower government to secure rights and limit powers it gives to them so they don’t violate our rights.” (3)

Last Saturday in Detroit the county sheriff, who’s black, instituted a gun buyback program. Most of the people turning in their “roscoe’s” were black.

Blacks in the inner cities consistently elect people like this man who continually put the screws to them. As a result of gun confiscation programs like this, many law-abiding blacks living in high crime areas risk being harmed.

We know police response isn’t good no matter where you live, and that a lot of bad things can happen before they arrive.2016-06-08-1465406304-224122-IMG_3613-thumb

Yesterday in Orlando, Florida, a man with strong ties to Islam, described as an “ISIS Soldier,” stormed a nightclub and smoked 50 innocent people and wounded many others.

Watching politicians at all levels being interviewed was something to see and made me ill. Some told us how great they are and used it as a forum to promote themselves. None called the attack on this ‘soft target’, no matter the lifestyle of the victims, what it really was – an act of war.

Then all we get from Obama, who probably was dragged off the golf course, is to collect the guns. Clinton and Sanders predictably said the same thing.

Obama didn’t waste time blaming the Confederate flag for the South Carolina shootings, but don’t hold your breath waiting for him to say Islamic fanatic or Islamo-Nazi for this one. (4)

He’ll trash the American people, but never condemn those who murder in the name of allah. (5)

Yet, these three want to disarm American’s while the enemy continues to move and attack innocent people.

Obama, Clinton and Sanders say it’s too easy to get guns, but they deliberately ignore how easy they’ve made it for enemy combatants to enter the country.

Dr. Joseph Warren, to whom we owe a great measure of our civil liberties said; “Whereas…the vengeance but not the wisdom of Great Britain, which of old persecuted, scourged, and exiled our fugitive parents from their native shores, now pursues us, their guiltless children, with unrelenting severity…

It is an indispensable duty which we owe to God, our country, ourselves and posterity, by all lawful ways and means in our power to maintain, defend and preserve those civil and religious rights and liberties, for which many of our fathers fought, bled and died, and to hand them down entire to future generations.” (6)

Dr. Warren was killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775. After being shot in the head, “The British stripped his body, bayoneted it until it was unrecognizable, then shoved it into a ditch.” (7)

That’s how much the Crown had it in for him.

We’re involved in a war on two fronts. One against Islamic jihadi’s, and the other against elites in government under the illusion we’re here to serve at their whim.

I wonder how many Christians realize this?

I wonder how many will give thought to what Dr. Warren said?

(1) Domestic Airline Taxes and Fees – What does it all mean? Linda McDonald, Amadeus North America, 07 – 29 – 13; (2) Appeals Court: No Second Amendment Right to Carry Concealed Weapons in Public by Ann E. Marimow, Washington Post, 06- 09 – 13 ; (3) Professor Randy Barnett heard on Mark Levin Show earlier this spring. I didn’t note the date; (4-5) Mark Levin,, 06-13-16 (6-7) American Minute by Bill Federer, Bunker Hill and Dr. Joseph Warren. 06-11-16.

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