posted by Writer on Jul 10

dt.common.streams.StreamServer.clsImagine you have a kid deployed in some hell hole in Afghanistan.

Ever wonder what goes through his mind when they get news from home? Instead of seeing a united country, they see one going up in flames.images

Whether you believe it or not, we’re fighting a war on many fronts. Have you given any thought that foreign governments like Iran and Russia, along with other players, are behind the violence taking place across the nation?

What do you think that does to troop morale?

These radicals believe the time is right to bring America to it’s knees once and for all.

The unrest and attacks against police officers across America are well organized and well-funded.

Our own politicians, a number which I believe are stone-cold Marxist’s, have taken pages from the Nazi playbook and Saul Alinsky to destroy our foundations.

They’re working endlessly to shut down all opposition and bring an iron-fisted government into power.

They’re also showing up at the front door of our elected officials.

Last week, a radical group of environmentalists visited the home of Michigan’s Attorney General, Bill Schuette, to protest the “Line Five Pipeline” which lies in the Straits of Mackinac.

Schuette wasn’t home at the time, but that didn’t stop the mob from harassing his wife.

We’re seeing an escalation of violence like we did in the 60’s.

The problem now facing us is that we have a man in the White House, surrounded by others, including those in local government, who “are comfortable with a certain level of violence because it permits him to continue the process of advancing his agenda of convincing people they should give up their guns.”

For the most part, in the 60’s we had elected officials who respected the rule of law and took measures to crush the violence when it erupted. (1)

Now, whenever a cop kills a thug, Obama, the Department of Justice, and Hillary Clinton rush in “to seize on this opportunity” instead of letting local authorities deal with the situation.” (2)

There are capable people in local government able to figure out what happened.

The Fed’s are using a few isolated incidents to grab more power from the states – which will lead to despotism. Obama said as much when he rushed to the mike in the middle of the night to hold a press conference while overseas.

Whenever a cop is attacked or killed, the rule of law, our Constitution and very form of government comes under attack.

I know we’re commanded to pray for our leaders, but you’ve got your head in the sand, or somewhere else, if you fail realize they love seeing the nation torn apart and capitalizing on these events to take power.

They’re at work creating “chaos, division, resentment…Anger people and then have them going at each other. Bring down this Constitutional republic and then they can insert their socialist agenda. They’re just following what Alinsky said to model radical changes they want to bring to this country.” (3)Unknown-1

(Remember Manassah? He turned to God late in the game, but the policies he instituted polluted Israel beyond repair that God couldn’t stand to look at them any longer (See 2 Kings 24:3.)

“A series of weak and ungoldy rulers led Judah into ruin as the sins of Manasseh came up for judgment. The consequences of decisions may not appear immediately, but they eventually come.” (4)

Immediately after Orlando, congressional reps from the greater Detroit area (John Conyers, Debbie Dingell, Sander Levin and Brenda Lawrence) held a town hall meeting on gun control. They brought along the resident imam who also called for the same.

Have you heard any of them, Obama, Clinton or the attorney general criticize these criminals? Heeeeeell no.

All we get from Hillary Clinton is the call for “police reforms”, which means federalizing them.

The most famous career criminal wants the police to clean up their act while she skates.

The issue is and always has been about taking your gun away. They are not representatives of the people, they’re tyrants.)

No doubt, many are predicting violence at the GOP convention in a few weeks. Again, these thugs are ready to cause more disruptions. How far it goes remains to be seen.

Seeing there’s no genuine leadership in Washington it’s up to Christians, the pulpits if you will, to stand up and lead. Who else has the remedy for this situation?

It might help if Christian’s reminded themselves that God ordained civil government and created police officers to go out and keep law and order.

And when a person screws up, “’The Man’ will come and take you away” (See Romans 13).images-2

Which means we’re also involved in a spiritual battle where the world is once again waving their fist at God.

We should humble ourselves and pray and to conclude this article I’ll let the following words stand alone.cropped-lincoln1-web-c1

Give some thought to them as this new civil war unfolds. It just might save your life and the life of the country, In case you didn’t know it, the war has already started:

And, insomuch as we know that, by His divine law, nations like individuals are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, may be but a punishment, inflicted upon us, for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole People?

We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God.

We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.

Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!

It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.”(5)

(1) Wayne LaPierre, Rush Limbaugh,”The Left Politicizes Violence Like We’ve Seen This Week to Advance Their Agenda Against Conservatives, Republicans, Guns — and Even Donald Trump!”, on The Rush Limbaugh Show, 07-08-16 on the EIB Network; (2) Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke on the Mark Levin Show,, 07-08-16; (3) Ibid; (4) With the Word – A Devotional Commentary by Warren Wiersbe, 2 Kings 24-25, p. 223; (5) President Abraham Lincoln National Prayer and Fasting Proclamation April 30, 1863.

One Comment to “More Assaults on Law and Order”

  1. Susan Fulcher Says:

    Thanks, Steve, for your insight. There is much here to consider, pray about and ask God to show Christians exactly what we should be doing with His help to counter attack.

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